Nora's been hornswaggled!

She's had trial separations, I guess. Just last month Fiona did go to day camp every afternoon for a week. But even then, Nora threw out her hands as she sat strapped into her carseat keening, "Fioooooooooooona! Nooooooooooo!" Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" So we'll see how this two nights away thing works, since the two girls share a room. Were Nora not still nursing, she would've gone, too, but we just didn't think she'd care for it yet in the long haul.
It will be all right. Nora will have Ian, and she'll have me. We're paltry playmates next to Fiona of course, especially during a huge yard sale, but she'll make it. And once the whole weekend ordeal is over, we'll all be together again. Ahhhhhh.
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