talk about it more

a virtual baby book

When she was two, Fiona regularly said "Talk about it more!" to express her desire to know more about whatever we were discussing.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ain't she sweet?

We went to the library today to see a clown/magician act called Sweetcakes, and while the girls couldn't have been confused with kids who wanted to volunteer to help with the program, they did stay tuned in the whole time. They each had a different favorite part in the lengthy act, and have been enjoying one of her gags at home. Whenever Sweetcakes needed a helper from the audience, she added "Sweet-" to the beginning of his or her name. At one point Sweetjen got playfully busted for painting her nails during the program-- d'oh! And while that's the surest way to become the next audience participation helper, it didn't happen to me. (It was just so serene to sit and not to have anyone needing me for 20 minutes).

I'm glad we had some zany fun at the library this morning with Sweetcakes, because for the rest of the day Sweetfiona and Sweetnora will be laying low at home playing outside while we do laundry and get cleaned up a bit for a playdate with Robert and Teresa tomorrow. Woot!


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