She's lived a long time
Fiona told me over dinner tonight that she feels like she's lived a long time. I told her that she had, I suppose, and we decided to list some things she's done in her almost seven years on this earth:
lost teeth
moved-- more than once
ridden an airplane, bike, scooter, roller skates, and a horse
grown plants and butterflies
played piano
danced onstage
watercolor painting
read, written, and told stories
gotten soppy wet
been on a beach
played kick the can
Then we talked about things Fiona has not done yet but wants to do:
ride in a glass-bottomed boat
see the ocean
have a farm
ride in a hot air balloon
try a ferris wheel
visit China and Ireland
live in a castle
own a serval
Both of these lists could undoubtedly be more substantial, but it was a good dinner conversation, anyhow.
A serval? That's funny. I've always wanted an ocelot.
Granny could help with #2 on the to-do list...gladly! love, G
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