talk about it more

a virtual baby book

When she was two, Fiona regularly said "Talk about it more!" to express her desire to know more about whatever we were discussing.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bubble babes

Yesterday was meant to be a sprinkler day. I had the three dollar sprinkler attachment, I found the swimsuits, I had the sunscreen. I even had the popsicles and lemonade that would've rounded out the backyard experience. Here's what I did not have: brute force to get the previous attachment off our current garden hose.

Plan B: Granny shoots water at Fiona with the kindest setting on the sprayer, while Nora and I run errands at Target. Due to her teeth and all their spinoff miseries Nora was a bit under the weather anyhow, and the change of scenery might be therapeutic.

When we came back, we had a huge bubble wand from the $1 impulse aisle, and Granny and the girls made good use of it while I made dinner; or rather, while I tried to make dinner but kept getting distracted by the Norman Rockwell-esque images just outside my patio door.


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