talk about it more

a virtual baby book

When she was two, Fiona regularly said "Talk about it more!" to express her desire to know more about whatever we were discussing.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reading Rainbow wowness

Fiona just won third place in the Reading Rainbow Young Authors and Illustrators contest! We'll go to a reception for her at the local Museum of Art-- woo hoo! And for me, the very best news of all is that since it's not going on to the national contest, we get the original story and art back! I missed that story already.

When the public television representative called us to tell us the happy news, he had some interesting things to say. First of all, he said he was pleased and frankly amazed by the amazing work such young people submitted. They sorted through around 2000 entries, and they were varied and truly stunning. He also said he was the graphic artist and art director at our local station, and that he was very gratified to see so many students engaged in the arts. He said he has loved art since he was a child, but was only permitted to take an art class when he got to high school, and that was an independent study class in which he submitted two films. He didn't get to take an actual 'art class,' he said, until he got into college.

It made me wish all over again that Fiona was schooling with me again full-time next year. She'll miss her art classes, and a lot of other wonderful things too. But between the schooling that every parent enjoys with their children and the special opportunities she'll gain at the art magnet, I do hope she can continue to enjoy the arts, and other things besides, no matter where she schools. Breathe in, breathe out.

One of her illustrations was copied for display at the art museum celebration. We haven't seen the last of The Wonderful Smell. Not yet.


At 9:16 PM, Blogger Teresa said...

Congratulations, Fiona! I truly enjoy your story and look forward to reading your future book projects.

At 12:23 AM, Blogger Sr. Dorothy, OSB said...

Wow,this is so exciting! Writing and making art are wonderful gifts... Love, Gran


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