talk about it more

a virtual baby book

When she was two, Fiona regularly said "Talk about it more!" to express her desire to know more about whatever we were discussing.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Little Houdini

Nora has figured out a thing or two since I last wrote. For one, she stands up and jiggles around at the knees to see if she can stay standing. She sort of looks like a surfboarder on land, actually. Last night while performing this trick she leaned down to pick up my slipper, then righted herself again. While we're in no big hurry for a walker, it looks like we're going to be getting one anyway one of these days. By the way, I can't get her to stand up, throw her arms out, and say "Ta-da!" anymore, so there's none of that on video, but hopefully some of you got to see that gem while it lasted. Hilarious!

She has also mastered the art of flipping her highchair tray to the floor. She is a child in almost constant motion-- she was in utero and hasn't quit yet-- and one day while sitting in her high chair and feeling around on the tray she discovered the squeeze handle that releases the tray. It wasn't too much longer before she was sitting at dinner, holding the tray in both hands well below her knees, looking at the rest of the family with a look of shock and concern, saying "Uh-oh!" Having watched exactly how she got there, it was kind of fun to ask her what was wrong.


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