talk about it more

a virtual baby book

When she was two, Fiona regularly said "Talk about it more!" to express her desire to know more about whatever we were discussing.

Friday, February 29, 2008

There are no cats at a cat scan...

...but that doughnut-shaped machine sure would look better with some sprinkles on it! Ian, Fiona, Nora and I just got back from my biopsy and cat scan. The wait was fairly long, but there were books and playthings in the waiting area, and Cheerios make everything better anyhow. Finally we were escorted back and everybody got to watch the biopsy. Fiona liked seeing my two thyroid masses get moved around on the little black and white screen during the guided biopsy. I liked the fact that the girls got to see calmness around needles.

The cat scan was next, and while everybody got to see the machine before the procedure began, Ian and the girls waited outside and listened to the whirring and humming of the huge device. It was great fun to have the doctor show us pictures of the insides of my head right away.

We should have results back in a week, but we already know that the cat scan looked good, and the doctor said that the slides from the biopsy looked good to the naked eye, too. Hooray! An interesting-- and also optimistic-- day was had by all.


At 2:02 PM, Blogger Teresa said...

What a relief!


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