talk about it more

a virtual baby book

When she was two, Fiona regularly said "Talk about it more!" to express her desire to know more about whatever we were discussing.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The thrill of Gill

Jim Gill swung through town with him Family Room concert tonight. The girls and I have seen him before, but we were thrilled to be able to attend with our whole gang after a seriously abbreviated and patched-together dinner. We all had a marvelous time. The girls both wore the "spinniest" spin dresses they could find in their closet, knowing that nobody listens to Jim Gill without getting up and getting down. Nora was technically a little too ready for bed to be able to fully appreciate the concert, and as usual was quick to point out that the music was too loud for her. Nonetheless, we had just the evening we've been looking forward to for months now. He doesn't have a new album out-- we've heard all these songs before. And that's exactly what we wanted. It was just like our own family room, but without the fractured rainbow of Duplos strewn all over the floor.

We've included some pictures from our evening romp above. As you can see, we clearly must face the fact that Nora's binocular eyes are back! Also, be sure to check out this video in which even Mr. Gill himself is impressed with Fiona's spinning a la the washing machine.


At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fiona, I love your spinning! And I love you too! Gran


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